It’s Not as If We Haven’t Been Here for a While…

“It’s not as if we haven’t been here for a while” is a self-portrait of an artist struggling to accept the fluidity of her own nature. Filmmaker Kathleen Hepburn paints herself into a filmic landscape, whose narrative structure and cinematography is both ethereal and exact, allowing her and her audience to understand the truth of the present moment while recognizing the impermanence of all things.

Directed by
Meghan Armstrong, Kathleen Hepburn
Written by
Kathleen Hepburn
Produced by
Glass Curtain Pictures, Gorrman Lee, Kathleen Hepburnm Meghan Armstrong
Director of Photography
Derek Howard, Kathleen Hepburn
Editting by
Kathleen Hepburn, Adrian Underhill
Casting by
Monica Mann, Kathleen Hepburn, Alix Rasmussen, Elizabeth Cairns, Monica Hepburn, Ryo Narumi
Next: One Night Stand, Episode #101